5 easy exercises to do while traveling
Piggybacking off last week’s blog on how to stay healthy while traveling, we have 5 easy exercises that you can do while traveling to stay fit no matter where you are.
Squats or lunges
Squats and lunges are top of the list due to the fact that they work large muscle groups and thus give you some of the biggest bang for your buck when doing weight exercises. The large muscles help you burn calories faster, making that extra cheesecake slice you had at dinner less of a big deal.
Running, jogging, or walking
Depending on your training level, doing any kind of cardio, from walking all the way to running, can help you stay fit while on vacation. The added bonus to this is that you are able to explore your surroundings as well, taking in the local sites at a speed conducive to actually seeing them, unlike most sites seen through the window of a taxi or car.
Push ups
We can’t leave out our arms when talking vacation fitness! Pushups are an easy way to keep working your arms, and don’t require any additional weights. You can do traditional push ups, modified (or “girl pushups”), triangle push ups or even the kind that keep your elbows tight to your side --- these are killers… speaking from experience here.
Sit ups/crunches
Another easy exercise, and one that you can easily do at night in your hotel room as you wind down and watch your favorite show on tv, is the sit up or crunch. Doing these in the comfort of your hotel room allows you to remove the barrier of possible embarrassment of working out in public (or is that just me that feels that way?).
One of the best exercises to work your triceps are dips. They can easily be done in a hotel room chair (again, allowing you privacy while exercising and the convenience of a quick shower). You can do a modified dip, if you aren’t strong enough to perform a usual dip, by placing your feet on the ground to assist with the weight distribution.
Images of all the above exercises can be found using a simple Google search. Happy travels, let us know if there are any must-have exercises that you do on vacation!