These clients had certain dates they could be gone while they had childcare and wanted to explore Colombia during that time. They didn’t want to just see one or two spots, but they wanted to see several of the ecosystems while they were there. They explored the Amazon, coffee region, and Caribbean while there.
Read MoreWhat’s better than spending the winter break someplace warm? Not too much as this family found out! They decided to hire me to find some amazing excursions for their time in Mexico, as they’d already booked their accommodations and flights themselves.
Read MoreWhen retired, it’s a great idea to travel! This couple loves to travel and typically goes on one international trip per year or so. This year, they decided on sticking a little closer to home and heading to the Southwest United States.
Read MoreWhen you have places you want to see in a destination that many don’t get to, you check off as many as you can in your trip! That’s what Kerry & Will did on their epic, 4 state adventure to Australia.
Read MoreA good trip with a sister deserves another, and these sisters had taken a trip to Italy together in the past and wanted to do another one, this time to Portugal! They enjoy taking escorted tours, joining with a guide and getting the benefit of not having to think about the logistics much when they are there. They decided on a Globus itinerary and were not disappointed.
Read MoreFor this client and his son, they had been dreaming of Croatia for years but had not had the opportunity to make it reality. I crafted a tailor-made itinerary based on what their interests were, and they had a wonderful time. They explored Zagreb, Pula, Split, Mostar, and Dubrovnik!
Read MoreThis is a trip that I got to take myself and it was phenomenal. I spent some time in the Azores (an island chain west of Portugal in the Atlantic Ocean) and a couple days in Lisbon. While it wasn’t high season in either location, both were amazing and had some really cool things I saw.
Read MoreThis couple had previously had me plan a trip to Europe for them, but this time they were shooting closer to home with a domestic trip to the East Coast. They started in Boston, enjoying the sites and history there and in Salem, before taking an Amtrak up to New York City. They saw Hamilton on Broadway, as well as the typical Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Washington Square Park, and more.
Read MoreAnother pair of winners to see the Paralympics (see previous post), and they also made the smart choice to use me to plan an extension to their trip! They decided they wanted to see southern Europe more than London & Ireland, though, with Italy & Croatia being their bucket list choices.
Read MoreGetting to see portions of the Paralympics is something most people don’t get to say they’ve done, however these clients can! They won tickets from their work for a few days at the Paris Paralympics and decided to extend their trip to London & Ireland afterwards. While the Paralympic portion was taken care of by corporate, the rest of the trip was up to them, and they decided to use me to plan it - smart choice!
Read MoreItaly has been a popular destination this year - you’ve probably noticed this if you look back at posts, and guess what: you’ll see another post coming in the next few days as well! This trip was for a family of 4 who wanted to experience Italy (and their first family trip to Europe) for the first time.
Read MoreI really love planning family trips. I especially love families that are adventurous and think outside the box, like this family. They decided to see Coldplay in Düsseldorf, and then created a whole vacation around that! They hit up Amsterdam, Düsseldorf, Zürich, Sorrento, and Rome on their trip.
Read MoreWhile Italy is definitely a top country I get requests to plan trips for, this couple dived a little deeper than most of my clients do. They wanted to see some of the more obscure churches and sites of Rome that many pass by unnoticed. They also decided to stay in Cinque Terre for a bit, and check out the town (and cathedral) of Assisi. They enjoyed the Accademia in Florence, and finished off in Como for a relaxing stay on the lake.
Read MoreThe Baltic countries - a less traveled portion of Europe - called to my client. He usually prefers more active trips (hiking and a bit more strenuous than city tour walks), but he couldn’t pass up an opportunity to see Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, as well as Finland and Sweden.
Read MoreRepeat clients are the best… and it’s even better when they’ve added to the family! That’s the case with these amazing clients of mine and their newest addition. Their journey was quick, but it was really just a test run anyways, so that was ok with them. The best news? Baby did great!
Read MoreThese ladies were in their senior year of college when they reached out to me, hoping that I could help them plan their trip to the United Kingdom & Ireland. They were going in late May/early June, and wanted to spend close to 3 weeks abroad. They had modest budgets and hopes of exploring as they felt led. Their parents, however, were not as keen on that idea, and enlisted my help.
Read MoreHey, did you know that I do more than just travel via flights? I’ve also helped several clients with roadtrips, including this lovely couple who wanted to travel to Austin, TX for an extended stay this winter.
Read MoreThis lovely family of 3 wanted to go someplace warm that didn’t require a passport for Spring Break this year, and they settled on Puerto Rico! They were coming from the West Coast, so they wisely decided to stay the first night in San Juan, before heading out a bit to explore the island, and then spending the last night back in San Juan before heading back home. They rented a car so they could be on their schedule, and get to go where they wanted to go, and enjoyed their time at a lovely resort.
Read MoreFamilies of 5 sometimes find it hard to travel because they often require 2 rooms, which obviously brings the cost up. This family of 5 knew to go to an expert to find help in that respect: at their resort, they had a room that fit the 5 of them together! They also got to escape to this view, which can’t be beat! Check out some of the amazing memories they made together in the crystal blue waters of Costa Mujeres, Mexico.
Read MoreAre you into fishing? What about fishing in Argentina? My client had experienced the thrill of fishing there before and decided it was time to do it again. He decided that he wanted to check out a bit of Colombia beforehand, and then extend his trip by checking out Buenos Aires at the tail end. He enjoyed the experience and the food!
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