September 13, 2023 - My Own Backyard

Oops - Busy couple of weeks for me!

I realized I missed a What I'm Working On email last week due to it being a busy few weeks. Let me catch you up on what I've been doing, then we'll be back to our regularly programmed newsletter flow!

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

This last weekend I had the privilege of winning two awards at my host agency's travel conference that I attended (Travel Quest World). Out of 3000 or so agents, I won the Best Email Newsletter award (so hopefully you enjoy these!) and I also was one of about 20 or so that won Monarch Agency awards, which highlights travel agencies of excellence for sales performance and growth, support of other travel agents (I'm big into community over competition), and utilization of travel programs and products in my business. This is my 2nd consecutive year of winning the Monarch Agency award, so I must be doing something right!

Additionally, I took a lot away from the learning sessions I attended, and am pumped and ready to keep providing the high quality of service to my clients, but with some efficiencies gained!

Future Leader of Travel Too!

So now you know that I won a couple cool awards last weekend, but about a week earlier than that I also was in Jamaica, at the Future Leaders of Travel conference. This application-based conference is dedicated to connecting the next generation of travel buyers (travel agents) and sellers (tour operators and travel suppliers). It's limited to those between the ages of 22-37, and focuses on building authentic relationships through collaborative content, small-group meetings, and social events that promote networking within the participants. I was honored to have been selected and got a ton of new ideas and best practices from it.

More about these events

Travel Quest World

This is one of my conferences I look forward to the most, as I love seeing some of my favorite travel colleagues and friends in a 3-day span completely devoted to bettering our businesses and networking together. There were two theme nights this time: Purple Night and Hollywood. Can you guess who I'm dressed as for each?

Future Leaders of Travel

I really enjoyed getting to know other younger agents at this event and took away a lot of best practices that I'm excited to implement in my own day-to-day business operations. Having a younger crowd really highlighted some of the up-and-coming technologies that are out there too. We had a 90's theme night, so me and one of my best travel agent friends dressed accordingly. :)

Where are you hoping to travel next?

Are you getting the travel bug again now that school's in session? I know I always feel it myself! If you're ready to get started on that next trip, it's time to set up our travel consultation. Let's chat through some of the specifics and make sure we get started on your trip so you don't miss out due to availability! It's never too early to plan for your trip. You'll get a longer period to save up for your epic adventure! Use the button below to find a time that works for you!