Why everyone should purchase travel insurance

So, you are about to book a trip and you get to the part of the process where trip insurance is offered. You glide right past it, hardly even considering it, pushing onwards to the rental car section. But is that really the best decision? Is it really in your best interest to decline the trip insurance? I’m here to tell you why travel insurance should be a budgeted piece of your trip.

Family member illness or death

What if your father has a massive heart attack while you are away on vacation? True story – happened to me while I was traveling in India on business. Or what if another family member becomes ill or passes away before you leave for your trip or while on it. Travel insurance generally covers either a cancellation or interruption for these reasons. Though some airlines will provide a refund of a portion of your airfare for this reason, only with trip insurance will you be certain to collect a FULL refund.

Sickness or injury on your travels

Say you’re in Sanfermines attending the Running of the Bulls festival, and one of the bulls nicks you in the arm while you are watching. What hospital do you think is in network for your US health insurance? Probably none. Your healthcare costs could skyrocket just because you are outside the US. With most trip insurance (particularly Allianz Global Assistance, which I prefer to sell), there is an allotment for healthcare costs for the travelers.

Lost or delayed luggage

If, God forbid, the airline loses your luggage and you are left with only your carryon (another reason it is a good idea to pack a pair of underwear and your deodorant in your purse or backpack), you have no recourse without trip insurance. However, WITH travel insurance, you can have coverage for lost luggage, sometimes up to one or two thousand dollars. That buys you a lot of spare underwear!

So next time you are considering a vacation, consider adding on the offered travel insurance so you can avoid these avoidable pitfalls while on your dream vacation!