Peru - 2022

Salkantay Trek and Machu Picchu

Tom B. recently returned from a last minute trip to Peru over spring break. His birthday coincided with the trip, and he really wanted to be hiking and experiencing the amazing beauty of the Andes on his birthday. He reached out to me to plan the trip about a month prior to the departure date, so I crafted a solo trek (with English speaking guide) for him. He followed the Salkantay Trek, a lesser known trek near Cuzco that still ends at Machu Picchu, just like the Incan Trail (which is what most people think of). He was the only guest on the trek, so he and his guide were able to go at his pace the whole way, stopping to take photos whenever his heart desired. His trip culminated at Machu Picchu on his birthday, and though cloudy at first, the sun came out to give him the gift of amazing photos to remember the trip by.