If you enjoy an all-inclusive resort but also like to step off resort easily, consider taking a trip to Mazatlan. With less tourists coming than in Cancun, you’ll be sure to find a slice of beach to yourselves.
Read MoreYou ever really wanted to see things live and in person that you’ve seen online or in pictures, but had to wait? Then you know how it feels like you’ll never get to see them unless you just make a plan. That’s what my clients realized before they reached out to me to plan their trip to the southwest USA. They saw the Hoover Dam, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend, the Grand Canyon, and made a stop in Sedona and Tucson to visit.
Read MoreSpending time on vacation with your littles is wonderful, and my client Samantha knows it as she recently returned from a lovely long weekend to Cancun with her son. Just check out the smiles on their faces - nothing could be better! While travel with young children can be daunting for many, having a travel agent like me in your back pocket can relieve some of that stress!
Read MoreI don’t play favorites with clients but I do have some favorite itineraries that clients have picked. This one is definitely in that list. These clients are a family of 3, parents of a teenager, and they know how to knock bucketlist items off said bucketlist. This time, they decided to hit Paris, Italy, and the pyramids in Egypt off their list in one fell swoop!
Read MoreMy clients decided to do a final trip of 2023 to Spain to use up some airline credits before they expired (PS - I can totally help you plan the land portion if you want to use up credits from an airline!). They were fairly open to where to go within Spain (as long as they got to see many art museums and the area around Seville. They even got to go to a Real Madrid football match!
Read MoreWho doesn’t love a superfan of a sports team? These clients LOVE the Minnesota Wild, but they’ve moved away from the frozen tundra that is MN to the east coast, and don’t get to go to games often anymore. One of them has Swedish heritage, so when it was announced that the Wild would be playing a couple games in Stockholm, they jumped on those tickets and called me to plan a trip for them!
Read MoreOne of the best gifts a parent can give to a parent is the gift of travel, imho. This family decided to gift a trip to their daughter for their 12th birthday, anywhere in the world. She decided upon Thailand, so they called me to help craft the itinerary. She was wanting to see Phuket and enjoy the beaches as well as interacting with elephants and eating alllllll the food.
Read MoreBet you didn’t realize that I plan domestic trips sometimes too! While I definitely have a greater love for planning international trips, I do enjoy creating a good domestic trip now and again. These clients have been with me for multiple years and multiple trips, and they love a good mother daughter adventure, and this year they chose Galveston, TX as their destination!
Read MoreMy client took was a walking trip from Avignon, France to Barcelona, Spain with a group of other travelers. However she started her trip in Paris, enjoying a few nights in a cool boutique hotel before taking the train down to Avignon and staying there a bit before her tour started. After her walking tour ended, she enjoyed a few days in Barcelona before heading home!
Read MoreMy clients wanted a trifecta of honeymoon experiences: Enjoying London, Edinburgh, and Paris. Their time in Edinburgh overlapped both the Fringe Art Festival and the Scottish Military Tattoo performances, in London they were lucky enough to be able to catch a performance of Macbeth at the Globe Theater, and Paris meant romance, and they enjoyed checking out the palace of Versailles, a culture tour through the Marais neighborhood, and of course the Eiffel Tower.
Read MoreThese clients have a lofty goal: to visit every continent in the next few years. This year they tackled South America by visiting Brazil. They visited Rio de Janeiro, Iguazu Falls, and Buzio, enjoying a good balance of excursions and free time. They had a lot of fun together, and took some great photos!
Read MoreMy clients recently went on a Globus escorted tour that hit some of the major sites - Denali, Fairbanks, Seward, and Anchorage - complete with Iditarod dogsled demonstration, a scenic ride on the Alaskan railway, and learning more about the culture of the native tribes in that area. After the Globus tour, they stayed an extra day and did some Alaskan fishing!
Read MoreColombia is such a beautiful country - so biodiverse and the people are kind and friendly. Also, it isn’t as popular as Europe, so you’ll encounter less of the throngs of people everywhere. It’s no wonder I’ve had two different sets of clients want to travel here this year!
Read MoreWhen celebrating major milestones, my clients sometimes want to be able to just relax and getaway, without moving about or doing much of anything. For these clients celebrating their 10-year anniversary, they didn’t want to worry about anything, didn’t want to think about how much dinner or drinks cost or where to find them, and just wanted a beach to lay out on. Mexico does all of that really well, so they decided to go there.
Read MoreOne of my loyal solo travelers decided to go on a 2 1/2 week trip to Southeast Asia, exploring places in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand from Hanoi to Bangkok. He likes to join in with a group, so this time he got to experience the unique cultures of these destinations with newfound friends.
Read MoreI have several clients who are solo travelers who prefer to join an escorted group to experience the destinations they want to visit. One such client just returned from a whirlwind trip through the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and France. She had a great time, enjoyed making friends with the other people on the tour, and took some amazing pictures along the way!
Read MoreI love it when families make it a priority to travel with their kids. It’s definitely something the kids remember for the rest of their lives. Check out the photos from a recent family’s trip to Iceland and Ireland!
Read MoreSometimes it’s nice to get away to a resort, where you don’t have to think about what you’ll have for dinner, or what you’ll do each day. My clients wanted that for themselves, as they wanted to take a “friends trip” together and just spend some time away with each other. They chose Mexico and enjoyed their time on the resort a lot!
Read MoreMy clients decided they wanted to go visit some special places in Germany & Austria that their ancestors were from and I was able to put it all together for them, making it a memorable time of sisterly bonding for them. They enjoyed exploring Munich, saw a few castles, explored a namesake distillery in Berchtesgaden, enjoyed a couple days in Salzburg (including a classical concert in the famous Mirabell Palace) and then finished off in Stuttgart before heading back home.
Read MoreColombia is one of my favorite places - it is such a beautiful country, with LOADS of nature to see and experience, and the people there are just lovely and kind. So when my client Rebecca came to me asking me to plan a 30th anniversary celebration for her and her husband, I was eager to suggest Colombia based on what she said they enjoyed seeing and doing together.
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